The men’s shaving balm that doubles as a brilliant primer.


Forget shelling out for expensive primers or having four steps before you even get to your foundation – the secret to a flawless base could very well be hiding in your partner’s bathroom cabinet.

Right there next to his razor. We’re talking about shaving balm, people.

Nikki Tutorials (you may recognise her from her viral video The Power of Makeup) first stumbled upon this hack when she was without primer and had to quickly improvise with items at her boyfriend’s house.
She claimed the Nivea Post Shave Balm is “a product that has changed my primer life” – and beauty lovers online have been raving about it ever since – including Kylie Jenner who recommends it as a moisturiser alternative for those with oily skin.

I’ll be honest – I was skeptical. How on earth was a shaving product formulated for men going to give me the hydrated and smooth base that even some primers can’t?
But heading into the supermarket to purchase it.

The first thing you notice is the smell. It’s got that typical men’s aftershave scent which is not unpleasant, but certainly unexpected in a makeup product.
After rubbing a pea-sized amount into your hands until tacky, you simply apply all over your face.I have oily to combination skin and it works guys..try it you will love it:)


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